Wednesday 1 May 2013

self improvement - positive thinking

5 Positive Thinking Tips To Keep Your Day 

5 Positive Thinking Tips to Apply In Your life :

Positive Thinking Tips
1) Being grateful – You can start your day by appreciating all that you have so far in your life. Whether it’s something small or big, everyone has something to be grateful for. Even if it’s just for the fact of being alive.
Being grateful can be especially empowering, as the things that you have now in your life, might have been the things that you have only dreamt of having before. Showing some gratitude in respect with what we already have in our lives can take us a long way and bring a smile on our face.
2) Do some deep breathing – Finding 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to close your eyes (or with open eyes)  and try to relax with breathing techniques shouldn’t be that difficult. Deep breathing is a deceivingly simple way to relax and refresh your mind from the hectic schedule of the day. growing
A simple breathing technique you can do is to inhale for a count of five, hold your breath for a count of 5 and then exhale for another count of 5. Not only will this give your mind some rest and let you clear away some of the negativity that has accumulated from the start of the day, it will also give you an energy boost, to help you continue with the work that needs to be done.
3) Don’t let negativity create a snowball effect – The snowball effect occurs when a thing of small significance builds upon itself to become bigger and bigger and could lead to disastrous results if the first event was of negative nature.
4) Keep away from negative people or the media – While both are difficult to achieve, we can at least try to minimize our exposure to them. Negative people carry their aura of negativity with them and without them wanting to they take down everyone else they come in contact with. Try to be associated more with the positive people, the ones that have something positive to say and have a smile on their face.
5) Lighten up – Don’t dwell on any mistakes you might do during the day. We tend to get angry at ourselves and think about a mistake that we have done for a long time after it has been done, as if the act of worrying about it would actually fix it. Chances are, the mistake is not life threatening and anything other than that shouldn’t have you worry too much about it.

By keeping in mind these positive thinking tips throughout your day, you will minimize the chances of letting an event or a mistake control your thoughts and actions for the rest of the day. You need to be in a positive state of mind to display your best efforts, so don’t let anything bring you down.

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