Wednesday 1 May 2013

Improving Self-Esteem – 7 Ways To Improve Your Self-Image

1) Stop the comparisons – This is something that we have learned to do at an unconscious level and usually has a devastating effect in our self-esteem. Most of the times we compare ourselves to others, we tend to compare ourselves with people that have already achieved what we want to achieve, so naturally we will find that they have all the qualities that we are looking for. This is especially true if we don’t personally know the person and see them only on TV or over the Internet where the media tend to create extra hype over successful people and celebrities.
2) Compliment other people – Instead of comparing yourself with others, you can compliment the positive traits of other people. When you show that you can appreciate the good in others, then you will probably get some compliments yourself. Don’t shrug off compliments and be gracious in accepting them. A simple “thanks” followed by a smile will give out a positive self-image and will make you feel like that too.
3) Set Goals In Your Life – When you don’t set any goals for yourself, it’s only natural that you will stop striving to become better if you don’t have an ideal to reach. You need to find something that you are passionate about and try to follow through. Even if you set a high goal and not achieve it, you will improve throughout the whole experience and the motivation that you will get from following your goals will also increase your self-esteem.
4) Take Action – Taking action is the first step to success in pretty much all areas of our lives. Even if we don’t feel competent enough to do a task, starting it will give us a confidence boost and can help us increase our self-esteem.
5) Exercise – Exercising can really help with self-esteem as you will be doing something good for yourself which is caring for your body. You don’t have to go to a gym if you don’t want to. Just doing some simple stretches on a consistent basis can really help you improve your confidence and self-esteem, since you will actually be taking action to keep your body in shape.
6) Improve your posture – Our posture can reveal a lot about ourselves. If you slouch while walking for example, it will appear that you lack any self-confidence and have a poor self-esteem.  Keeping an upright posture while sitting, standing or when chatting with people can make you look more confident and you will also feel more confident inside. You don’t have to keep your spine 100% straight, but note when your body starts to slouch and fix your posture as soon as you take notice. It will with time become natural and you won’t have to fake it anymore.
7) Stop listening to negative people – We have all come across people in our lives that just don’t seem to have anything good to say. Try not to associate with people like that, as they will take you down with them, along with your self-esteem. Try to be around people who have a positive self-image and this will have a positive effect on your self-esteem as well

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